
eyes. Ah yes, he's up, and someone had better watch out! And it's the woman who is in peril for he means to carry you off, for good.

Convince him, then, that you need time to neg- otiate the terms of surrender and so keep him in his place and for his purpose. How? How else? Seduce

him, of course!

It will not help now to give men back the vote or lay down our 24,000,000 jobs and return to the hearthside. No longer will he - nor you be con- tent to stay down on the farm.

Just be sure the woman you are holds the reins and live usefully both sides of your nature together, neither despising one, nor over-honoring the other.

By accident an error was made on page 2, TVia #46. This was on the first page of the Cover Girl story. The printer accidentally used the name of Julie who was Cover Girl on #45. Also the first line of Barbara Lee's story was omitted. I've had the printer make up a correction slip that may be pasted over the top of the page to correct this. This slip is being inserted in copies going to those with advance orders on file for #47. As this error was caught and corrected before all shipments were made on #46, it is difficult to tell who got incor- rect copies and who didn't. If your's was wrong (Barbara Lee was the Cover Girl's correct name, not Julie) and you do not find a correction slip insert- ed here, please write and ask for one and I'll mail


Thank you,